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SUFSD Student Pledge for iPad/Chromebook

  1. I will take extraordinary care of my iPad/chrome chromebook.
  2. I will never leave the iPad/ chromebook unattended or lend it out to other individuals.
  3. I will not take recordings, photos or videos of any staff or student without the subject’s explicit permission.
  4. I will know where my iPad/chromebook is at all times.
  5. I will charge my iPad/chromebook battery daily.
  6. I will keep food and beverages away from my device since they may cause damage to the device.
  7. I will not disassemble any part of my iPad/chromebook or attempt any repairs.
  8. I will protect my iPad by only carrying it while in the case provided.
  9. I will use my iPad/chromebook in ways that are appropriate, meet SPS expectations, and are educational.
  10. I will not sign off on my school's issued Student Apple id .
  11. I will not place decorations (such as stickers, markers, etc.) on the iPad/chromebook. I will not deface the serial number  sticker on any device.
  12. I understand that my device is subject to inspection at any time without notice and remains the property of the Southampton Public Schools and I will be held accountable for any inappropriate material found on the device.
  13. I understand that the presence of guns, weapons, pornographic materials, inappropriate language, alcohol, drugs, gang-related symbols or pictures will result in disciplinary actions as noted in the district Network Policy and Code of Conduct.
  14. I will not send, access, upload, download or distribute offensive, profane, threatening, pornographic, obscene or sexually explicit materials.
  15. I will follow the policies outlined in the iPad/chromebook Handbook and the District Network and Computer Policy while at school, as well as outside the school day.
  16. I will file a police report in case of theft, vandalism, and other acts covered by insurance.
  17. I will be responsible for all damage or loss caused by neglect or abuse.
  18. I agree to return the District iPad/chromebook, case and power cords in good working condition.
  19. I will return a loaner device at the end of each day.

I agree with the stipulations set forth in the above documents, including the iPad Handbook and District Network and Computer Policy.

Student Signature: : Electronic signature in Student Portal

Parent Signature: Electronic Signatire in Parent Potal

Created 7/1/2011
Revised 7/15/2012 JDP
Revised 7/15/2013 JDP
Revised 7/15/2014 JDP
Revised 6/23/2017 JDP
Revised 8/27/2018 JDP
Reviewed 08/20/2024 JDP